Language spoken in Lisbon
In Lisbon the official language is Portuguese, of which there are 265 million speakers worldwide. The most common variant is in fact Brazillian Portuguese, with a little over 200 million speakers.
The official language is Portuguese. Even though Portuguese people generally have a good level of English, and you’re unlikely to have problems communicating, here's a list of useful Portuguese words and phrases.
- Hello
- Olá, Oi
- Good bye
- Tchau, adeus
- Good morning
- Bom dia
- Good afternoon
- Boa tarde
- Good night
- Boa noite
- Welcome
- Bem-vindo
- Yes
- Sim
- No
- Não
- Please
- Por favor
- Thank you
- Obrigado
- You're welcome
- De nada
- Excuse me
- Desculpe-me
Days of the week
- Monday
- Segunda feira
- Tuesday
- Terça feira
- Wednesday
- Quarta feira
- Thursday
- Quinta feira
- Friday
- Sexta feira
- Saturday
- Sábado
- Sunday
- Domingo
- Car
- Carro
- Metro
- Metrô
- Bus
- Autocarro
- Plane
- Avião
- Train
- Comboio
- Parking
- Estacionamento
- Car rental
- Alugar um carro
- Airport
- Aeroporto
- Departures
- Partida
- Arrivals
- Chegada
- Bus stop
- Ponto de Ônibus
- Metro station
- Estação de Metro
- Taxi rank
- Ponto de táxi
- Train station
- Estação Ferroviária
At a restaurant
- Breakfast
- Pequeno Almoço
- Lunch
- Almoço
- Dinner
- Jantar
- Menu
- Cardápio
- Waiter
- Garçom
- Bill
- Conta
- Fork
- Garfo
- Knife
- Faca
- Spoon
- Colher
- Rare
- Mal-passado
- Medium
- Ao ponto
- Medium well
- Bem-passado
- Bread
- Pão
- Chicken
- Frango
- Pork
- Porco
- Veal
- Bezerro
- Fish
- Peixe
- Cheese
- Queijo
- Egg
- Ovo
- Beer
- Cerveja
- Juice
- Suco
- Milk
- Leite
- Tea
- Chá